-Coral Speaking-

As salam my pretty-II readers [IKnowIMadeMistakenGrammar] !!
Hari ni , Shira balik lwat dri Skula .. Very Tired but , I'm happy (actually not really happy)..
Wanna know why I'm happy n unhappy ? Okeh ! Come closer .. :)

Finally , Shira dpt cube untuk msuk 'Audition' Coral Speaking , Shira dah dpt keyakinan untuk Mencuba , walaupon akdop kwan baek d sisi [Nazira] And My classmate [Anis] !! Nazira lak x nmpok btang hidung pon , bayang pon x nmpok.. Anis lak Demam , keseorangan laa sye Anis ! :(  -Kite Redha Ketentuan Ilahi- Shira try gop , mule-II Shira takut ngat , tp bile lpas wat , Jerit kuat-II : 'I'm free now' .. Naseb baek org x dgor ! [Wat malu je] Shira dpt a paper , contained text that all of us need to read ! -Dun forget , read with the Correct pronunciation n with Tone- So, Shira wat laa style 'Gedik' .! Korunk tau kan 'Gedik' nape ? Bak kate Farrah , buat la Gedik kalu nk msuk C-S .. So , Shira pon practice nge Asyiqin , Ain , Zulaikha , Yasmin n the others .. Mmg dbor Giler -Tp x gile ag , Alhamdulillah Still Okeh- Tangan Shira sejuk mcm bru kuar dri refrigerator .. Haha , agknye darah Shira pon dah bertukar jd Biru ! #HebatKan# 'Aud' tuh dye wat kat lam kelas fom ape au yg tepi Koperasi skula -bgi yang tau laa- Sir Zul , sorang bdx laki (Form upper than Shira) n Kakak pompuan (Upper gop) .. Kakak tuh , mcm nk mkan Shira bile tngok muke Shira .. Takut ngat ! Mmg suara hampir , -Hampir ye- terketar-II .. Tp dang control , HAx3 ! Kejap je , x dang 2 minit .. [SilekanTakPercaya] .. Mungkin dye nk cpat kot , atau suara mmg x sdap ! -Ngaku la Shira , suara ko mmg x sdap- .. Shira juz bce mcm Shira practice td .. Alhamdulillah selesai gak , xD Slpas selsai , mmg Keyakinan bertambah tinggi ! So , Shira dah decided nk msuk yang BM lak , td Shira ckp nge cg tuh , sbb cg tuh dtg kat kiteorg n kate , 'Tngok jap scrip , sbb cg kene wat gni , Aduh laa ! Dah la cg bru ag lam gni-II.. Esok kan uji bakat Bm ?' , kiteorg jwab je lah Yee ! So, Insyaallah audition ye x susoh ! Sape nk msuk , jom r ! Lagy rmay lagi best , x dpt takpe ! We keep trying , tak gtu ? Kalau boleh Shira nak aktif sket taun nie , taun lepas tak aktif dah ! Haisyh .. >.0 Try naseb .. Harap dpt slah satu drpd tuh , Kite Redha ! Shira hrap kwan-II Shira bg skongan ke Shira , n after school holiday  nie, Shira pekse , doakan Shira yep ! Doakan kwan Shira juge xD Thanz a lot dear , muaxx <3 ! :) 

Sampay sni sajelah , 6ti Shira kongsi lagy , tp tetibe je , Shira ase nk wat sebuah novel n hantar ke Karangkraf ,, tp takde mase , hrap smua yg Shira impikan tercapai ! AMin ! New Year , New Inspiration , New Dream ! Luff u All.. Daa - As salam -
